Our latest dev blog had some content redacted at the last minute, but we’re happy to reveal that now! The producer of the Age of Empires series at Microsoft, Ryan Chaply, was present at E3 and teased some upcoming goodness for the whole Age series.
Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms
First and foremost, the name is out! Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms will be the name of the new expansion pack, coming out later this year on Steam.
Additionally, a new civ has been announced, including a small teaser video with further information regarding the Malians and the Berbers. As well as little hints for further additions to the game. We’ll certainly cover more of those in extended detail in future posts, but we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss out on some possible speculation 😉
E3 Teaser
We’ll keep you posted with more goodness next weeks, including some in-depth detail on the latest patch notes and the strengths of the new mod manager.
aaw man I love redheads
A new expansion,great.But are they also planning to develop a hd remake of the first game?
It would be nice to have different skins for the same units throughout different civs. One example already in game is the Aztec/European monk. But for example Turks should rather have an imam with rather different skin.
This is awesome news. My favorite game of all time gets a new lease on life. I believe the key to what made this game so great, was its rawness. Later versions strived to be realistic. They did so however gamer’s lost a great deal of their ability to be creative. When realism is implemented into games, what eventually happens is the gamer creative options becomes more limited. You can however still upgrade the game play without destroying the raw creativity inspiring base of game. For instances you could implement Lords/Leaders over lumber, stone, gold, food, and generals for your… Read more »
I like your idea of lords and generals!
Having seen most if not all the comments on this blog I would like to say ONE THING!! (Mind my grammar and things):
People on this chat have said that the new African Kingdoms will have the Portuguese civ included. I disagree because there are soo many fan made and non official mods staring the Portuguese civ. Ultimately it would be unnecessary and silly for Microsoft to include them in this Expansion.
I think you forget that this also start as a fan made mod.
What do you mean ‘this also started as a fan made mod’ ??
The forgotten empires started as fan made mod. And the team who is developing this new expansion is pretty much the same than developed forgotten empires
Yeah but they are ALREADY A FEW mods staring the Portuguese civ. This team would be silly to make another one.
So you say they were silly making slavs italians indians incas and magyars. Since already existed mods staring them… ok
Gimme a few names which had the fe civs in them
Forgotten empires was a mod! Then they make it official under the name “the forgottens”.
But i highly doubt that Microsoft will make Portuguese official
Give me a few mods which had the Forgotten empires civs in them
Yeah but Portuguese civ has already started in too many mods so it will be silly for Microsoft to make it into an official civ
What also started from a fan made mod ?
What’s the problem? If a civ appears frequently in mods, it’s because a lot of players like it, then we got another reason to add it. I never installed these mods because there’s always too few playing it multiplayer and frequently seems buggy and unfinished.
When are you going to release new screenshots or news from upcoming expansion.
the video shows the berbers uu the camel archer, the attacking nation in the bottom left corner has ranged camels. Guessing the gibbito (mali uu) is the ranged infantry unit in the defensive civ
I really wana play the Berbers and the Somalis!
I hope Muisca civilization with Guecha warrior in the castle and maybe blow gunner as second unit! with them borned the true “El dorado” 😀
To be honest id like the developers to add the rightful skins of the units according to the civilizations (chinese armor, aztec soldiers, etc.) and overal changing/improving the appearance of the game instead of expanding the civs to satisfy the many cultures of the world (there ara a lot of prominent other civs and i think its ridiculous to include all while keeping the gameplay fresh. A lot=/ better), as this would introduce new players to AoE2 a they see a new game, but thats an opinion.
Also fix the camel identifying as a galley pls, because fuck that 🙁