Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of one of the most popular strategy games ever!
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the game that started it all!
Age of Mythology: Retold
Retelling the mythological spin-off of the AoE franchise!
Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition
Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the final entry in the legacy Age of Empires series!

Latest news
Age of Mythology: Retold – Available NOW!
Two years in the making, but the team at Forgotten Empires is very proud to present Age of Mythology: Retold, which we developed for World's Edge alongside Tantalus Media. It's live today, so don't hesitate to check it out! Player reviews at 92% and a MetaCritic...
Forgotten Empires acquired by Keywords Studios
- A letter from the founders of Forgotten Empires When we started Forgotten Empires 10 years ago, we were a very small group of passionate Age2 fans, working on a mod that would eventually bring 5 new civilizations to the CD version of Age of Empires II. The mod...
Forgotten Empires is hiring!
Hey, want to work on Age of Empires? We're hiring! 📊 Producer - DevOps 📝 Lead UI Designer 📝 UI Designer 📝 UI Artist ✏ Art Producer 🎨 Character Artist 🎨 3D Animator 💻 Technical Lead 💻 UI/UX Engineer Interested? You can find all the details on how to apply on our Jobs...
Age of Empires Fan Preview – Announcements for the Definitive Collection!
Did you enjoy the Age of Empires Fan Preview with more information about Age of Empires IV and announcements for the other entries in the legacy series? Or maybe you need a refresh on the barrage of news that was sent your way? Fear not, all the news of Age of Empires...
Dev Blog: “What’s up with the pronunciation of the English cities in the Lords of the West campaigns?”
After the recent release of the Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition DLC, Lords of the West, we received a lot of feedback on the new Britons campaign — especially on the pronunciation of the English towns and cities that it features. Names like Worcester and...
Age of Empires II: DE – Lords of the West OUT NOW!
LORDS OF THE WEST — the first official expansion to Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition — is available today! Featuring: 🛡 2 new CIVS! ⚔ 3 new CAMPAIGNS! 🏆16 new ACHIEVEMENTS! Read all about the Burgundians, Sicilians and how to add them to your Age of Empires II...